name: "Colin Carter",
from: "Basel, Switzerland",
pronouns: "He/Him",
education: "Master of Law, MLaw",
university: "University of Basel"
languages: ["German", "English", "French"]
Designing interfaces between law and IT. Creating
powerful software and web experiences. Thinking about the future
of law, artificial intelligence, UX and digitalisation.
Since August 2023 I am writing my PhD thesis on the topic of autonomous legal systems in the field of criminal law at the University of Basel, and have reduced my workload as a legal engineer to do so. I am part of the Max Planck Fellow Group on Algorithmic Profiling and Automated Decision-Making in Criminal Justice.
In summary:
Webdeveloper and Lawyer = Legal Engineer.
My interest in computer science has been with me since my childhood, when I built my first computer myself. After my federal Matura, it was clear to me that computer science would continue to be an inspiring field for me. So I studied physics and computer science in my first year at the University of Basel, but then realised that my heart ultimately beat more for jurisprudence and legal-technical problem solving and less for purely scientific, mathematical applications. I therefore began my studies at the Law Faculty of the University of Basel. However, it was clear to me that I wanted to incorporate my interest in computer science into my legal career. So I continued to work as a freelance web designer and web developer, educated myself with various online courses and extracurricular courses at the university and soon got a job as a web administrator at the physics department of the University of Basel for the Swiss Nanoscience Institute. Besides my studies, I ran a web agency ( as a full-stack developer until summer 2020.
Since 2020, I have been researching the possibilities and areas of application of A.I. in legal work. And since August 2023 I am writing my PhD thesis on the topic of autonomous legal systems in the field of criminal law at the University of Basel next to my job as a legal engineer. I am part of the Max Planck Fellow Group on Algorithmic Profiling and Automated Decision-Making in Criminal Justice.
I have given several talks on the topic of legal engineering, AI in the legal field and legal tech. Here are some of them:
Weblaw Webinar «KI: So setzen Sie den Datenschutz in der Praxis um»
online webinar
TECH LAW WORKSHOP Angriffe auf KI-Systeme
Schweizer Forum für
Kommunikationsrecht und ZLSR, Zentrum für Lifesciences-Recht
FFHS Gleisarena Zürich, Zollstrasse 17, 8005 Zürich
Current Legal Topics & AI
ETH AI+X Summit 2023
StageOne, Elias-Canetti-Strasse 146, 8050 Zürich
Was genau ist generative KI? Eine Auslegeordnung
Swiss Legal Tech Conference
Google Zürich, Forum Escher, Europaallee 36, 8004 Zürich
Ground-Breaking AI Use Cases in Legal Insurance
LPI Congress 2023
Bucerius Law School, Jungiusstrasse 6, 20355 Hamburg, Germany
Generative AI in Finance and Insurance
by Katie
Bluelion Incubator, 219 Josefstrasse 8005, Zürich
K.I. - Ein technischer und rechtlicher Überblick.
Mitgliederversammlung vom 15. Juni 2023 des Aargauischen Juristenvereins
Gasthof Schützen, Schachenallee 39, 5000 Aarau
Twitterbots und Datasets: Bundesgerichtsurteile nutzen.
Am Magglinger Rechtsinformatikseminar (Bundesamt für Justiz und eJustice.CH)
Aula der Eidgenössischen Hochschule für Sport
Magglingen EHSM
Expert Day - Natural Language Processing & Big Data Technologies
By the data innovation alliance
Paulus Akademie
Pfingstweidstrasse 28, 8005 Zurich, Switzerland
Latest developments around ChatGPT
By the Swiss Legal Tech Association and the Global Legal Tech Consotrium
Prompting Large Language Models
By the Swiss Legal Tech Association Chapter Basel
Basel, Switzerland
A.I. - A blessing for lawyers or their downfall?
For the Digital Section of the Basel-Stadt Bar Association
Basel, Switzerland
Summarizing court decisions using Large Language Models
At the Open Legal Lab in Magglingen
Basel, Switzerland
I also developed numerous personal projects, including apps and web apps, which immersed me deeply in issues of data protection law and internet law. Thus, already during my studies, I dealt with concepts such as Privacy by Design and Privacy by Default from both a theoretical and a practical point of view and combined my legal knowledge with my developer skills. I love working on personal side projects, whenever I can find time for it. Some of my bigger projects are listed below.
A central repository and search engine for Swiss legal publications.
An end-to-end encrypted photo library with embedded AI running on the client (TensorFlowJS) for automatic image classification.
A collection of AI-applications and tools for legal work.
An anonymous social network for students. Users were able to post pictures, videos and texts within a radius of 10-15km around the the selected university.
An app for loyalty passes (virtual stamp cards), with which loyal customers could be rewarded and a direct communication communication channel between customers and the company.